Kebiasaan nyatet gak puguh, apa aja dicatet, sampe orang-orang di sekitar gw jadi bingung kali ya? penting banget apa ya?
Noooooo!!! Jangan salahhhh .... Tapi gw juga bukan tipical yang nyatet setiap perkataan, titik koma omongan bos, atau dosen atau guru, (kalo iya... Catetan gw paling laris kali yaaa) hehe... just make point to point aja ... Kebiasaan make a note...
Duh duh dasar cerewet... Kenapa ngomong jadi kemana mendi sich? Jadi pokoknya berangkat dari kebiasaan nyatet.. Tiap tahun selalu beli organizer gak pernah lewat... Sampe masa dimana smart / PDA phones tiba... Praktis sekitar 4 tahunan udah gak pernah beli lagi...
Ndilalah sejak mid last year, kok pengen pake organizer, yang paling gak bener... Udah beli yang baru... Gara-gara liat organizer mbak Pauline keturutan pengen beli hehe... Soalnya lucu.. Bisa milih isinya (weekly atau daily atau just memo) ama covernya... Keren.. Ada Gambar wayang... Ada gambar bunga.. Sama batik... Warna warni pula... Ringnya juga bisa milih warna..
Pikir2 kalo begitu caranya... Kita bisa beli isi nya, terus bindernya bikin sendiri.. Trus nebeng jilid dech... Peluang bisnis ?
Kalo tertarik dan mau ikut-ikutan beli... Ada kok di toko buku yang lumayan gede itu .. Yang ada deket bunderan HI hehe...
this journal contains notes of joy, sorrow, happiness, sadness ... whether it's a fact, opinion, wishes, hope or just imagination. this is about everything ...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
success ala 'Fame' (2009 movie)
Success is not fame and money or power.
Success is waking up in the morning so exited about what you have to do that you literally fly out the door.
Its getting to work with people you love
Success is connecting with the world and making people feel.
It's finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but a dream.
It's falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could.
Success is joy and freedom and friendship.
And success is love...
(Kay Panabaker dialogue @ her debutante as Jenny Garrison in 'Fame' 2009 made)
Success is waking up in the morning so exited about what you have to do that you literally fly out the door.
Its getting to work with people you love
Success is connecting with the world and making people feel.
It's finding a way to bind together people who have nothing in common but a dream.
It's falling asleep at night knowing you did the best job you could.
Success is joy and freedom and friendship.
And success is love...
(Kay Panabaker dialogue @ her debutante as Jenny Garrison in 'Fame' 2009 made)
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