Friday, February 22, 2008

trust your inner heart

Hari ini ada 2 ‘bisikan’ alias ‘gerentes’ kalo istilah Sunda mah…

dan nggak guwe dengerin…. Tepatnya nggak Peduli…




file guwe yang dikerjain di rumah nggak bisa dikerjain di kantor

just because guwe ignore untuk bawa laptop


file di kantor jadi mendadag recovery sewaktu ditinggal makan siang karena ternyata mati listrik

just because guwe ignore untuk menutup semua aplikasi.


Makan lagi-lagi salah…. Bukan nyaris karena emang nyaris nggak nanya

Just because guwe yakin dan pede kalo makanan Jakarta pada halal.


Uggghhhh keselnya !


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cimahi house for sale

It was wednesday morning, mum called and told me that Cimahi house sold....

Wow ! That was it. Glad to hear that mum finally made it sold. the house that we were living for 5 years since 1986/1987. in 1990/1991 the house was rented as we moved to Jakarta (18 yrs time goes by....)

The house where I spend whole of teenage time there, the house has been there watching me laughing, crying, dissapointed, furious, happy,worries, all of it....

It witnessed me getting my first love (uhuyy), my first boyfriend (hehehe), my best friends and soulmates (dearest pals...where are you guys right now? Miss you all to chat and hanging around looking for new bakso in town? hehehe)....all of it...

The house saw mum first furious mad to me for not going home in time...
The house saw dad challenge my friend when they were asking me out to go camp...
The house saw the culmination point of me to grow up....

The best secret keeper....ever....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Die alone

Saturday afternoon, got message that my uwa hass passed away.....alone....I'm saying that he's definetely alone, in his 67 age divorcee with his 4 children, that none of them accompanied him.

He was a sailor and rich man. (However sorry to say and doesn't mean that this write up aimed to paint black for his life....this is intended for me/my family to learn..) my late grandma said that she was never well treated especially by his wife.... All the reality come in to pieces when he's having his pension time... And found out that his children has falling apart, as their daughters and wife converted to other religion....traded with a box of 'instant noddle', masya Allah.

Till then he lived alone, once he was matched to a mature lady, but didn't make to marry her because her family disagree.

Well, back again.... The neighbor found out his body in restroom at around 5 pm, he suspected why papi (his called name) didn't show up from morning. He's calling papi, knocking the door, and saw the door key attached to the key hole, and the TV was on. He then entered the house and found him dead.

We couldn't called his sons, coz he didn't leave any the doctor said that he has passed away 6 hours earlier.. We assume that he intended to take Zuhur prayer.

The body was moved from hospital to my father's house in cianjur, being cleaned, and wore white caftan....after hours not knowing how to contact his children. in 2 am my distant cousin who arriving from Cilacap reminded my father that my uncle/father'brother has mobile phone. know what....the mobile was being kept all night by my father's younger bro in law...hem...and voila! We got his son number...sadly is....his phone book only kept not more than 10 contact parent 's house, my father's mobile, his son, his former wife to be and his neighbour, and 2-3 cousins....

Shortly, he was buried in the morning. Not to wait his son...coz the son gonna take along time to arrive. Meanwhile the body has been kept a long time....

After all, I just hope that Allah will give the very best place for him there. Hope that he won't be alone no more...amin

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bondan feat fade 2 black

Have u heard their song lately... I would give him best appreciation for mixing keroncong and suling sunda with rap song...

It's genious ! I really love it... I decided to buy their cd and found myself so delightfull... There's another song called 'you ll be sorry'..and I'd say that you'll be sorry if u haven't listened to the song.... And whole album

About Bondan
I believe that this is his 2nd album...maybe 3rd if u add his kiddie lumba lumba...hehehe

Teliti sebelum membeli

Mungkin karena sempet jumawa sama ponakan...that I don't care of alcohol in food or cosmetic...except if it contained of fork...

Ya saudara saudara...hari ini kena batunya...dengan semangat 45 beli marshmallow untuk the boyz...nggak periksa lagi... Nggak taunya pas udah ngunyah iseng periksa bungkusnya...yang lucu di versi Indo nya nggak ada indikasi mencurigakan...di versi bule dengan manis tercetak 'gelatin from pork skin' glk...glk...kita ber3 udah ngunyah masing masing 1 ....astagfirullah...

Kurang ajar nich makhluk satu ini ya Allah... Camkan....camkan...camkan.... An Nahl 115