Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Segelas the penghapus lapar

Akhirnya ketemu juga dosennya (baca: telatnya dikit).
Setelah memutuskan untuk naek ojeg hari ini ngampus...
Setelah melewati endapan traffic sekitar mega kuningan dan casablanca yang berpusar gak karuan (hemm ..perlu 20 min untuk keluar dari situ padahal pake motor)...
Alhamdulillah telat 10 min dech...itupun Pak Erman masih basa basi opening...alhamdulillah...

Akhirnya beneran kuliah (kemaren soalnya ketika juga terjebak trafic yang menggila, gak kebagian sessi-nya untung aja masih bisa ngabsen...)

Persis sebelum magrib, kelas dibubarkan... Timing-nya buka puasa...*terharu liat Pak Erman memimpin doa para dosen n staf di ruang birpen.....ngintip loh iniiii...

Untung sebelum pergi tadi sempet bekel teh Earl Grey-nya Ahmad Tea... Ah manstabbb.... Cukup 2 reguk, rasa lapar hilang....perasaan terbuka lega, bersyukur, dan berharap ... Si kecil yang dibawa sekolah ini belajar perjuangan mommy-nya untuk belajar....alhamdulillah...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kuliah lagi ...

Memutuskan untuk kuliah lagi, setelah 13 tahun lamanya.
Mencoba me-refresh kembali apa yang pernah didapat dulu...

Bismillah ... semoga lancar
Robbi jidni Ilma
War zuqni fahma

...Dan menandai hari pertama kuliah... Di tengah bulan puasa, berbadan dua pula....dengan macet yang menggila... Sampe Kampus? Kuliah udah bubar, untung masih dikasih kesempatan absen...

Tinggal satu sessi lagi jam 7 malam.
Dosennya bilang kuliah ditiadakan hari ini.
Ellhaa....kalo dulu, 13 tahun lalu senengnya 1/2 mati...kalo sekarang berasa rugi, mungkin karena merasa bayar sendiri? Hihihi...

Puasa terberat

Kalo boleh ngaku...puasa kali ini terhitung yang terberat...

Bukan karena nggak kuat nahan lapar
Bukan karena lagi hamil dan eneg all d way, sehingga pake acara muntah pulak
Bukan karena udara Jakarta yang pancaroba, sampe nggak tahan sama cuaca
Bukan juga karena pekerjaan tetep full meski susah konsen karena diganggu hormon berlebih...

Tapi beneran !!!
Godaan terbesar justeru nafsu amarah-nya yang tak tertahankan.
Memaintain mood yang swing kebangeten
Godaan mempertahankan kesabaran...

Ya Allah
mohon ampun, telah kusia-siakan Ramadhan ini...
Jadikan 10 hari terakhir ini sebagai Ramadhan yang penuh hikmah bagiku....amiiinnnnnn

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You'll never know

Life is about learning, and you'll never know what come ahead.

Yes, it can be somehow predicted, but is it really happened like you plan to? Sometimes it is, sometimes it's not.

Today, this morning, I got the news from the office, that our colleague lying on the hospital bed, unconscious...waiting for miracle happened.

He's only 42, and last week, he's still laughing with us and have a chit-chat, talk about all lite things...now He's there...lying on bed...waiting for Allah's mistery.....

I'm sure Allah will decide what would be the best for him, his wife and his 3-kids.... I myself only pray for his soonest recovery, and his family is getting stronger and tougher ...for such...life is about lesson...lesson to be learned.


I usually get my job quickly done. Now? Ohhh my God ... Seems so little time I had just to finish up all the matters....arrghhh ....

Ya Allah please...don't let this hormonal thing slower my things...pleaseeeeeee....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The ten best foods for pregnancy

taken from http://www.babycenter.com/0_the-ten-best-foods-for-pregnancy_10320506.bc?scid=preg_2_20100805:2&pe=27U81a

The ten best foods for pregnancy

by Evonne Lack
Reviewed by the
BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: October 2009

Eating for two can be a nerve-wracking responsibility, especially with all the conflicting information floating around. Is fish important – or does it contain too much mercury? Do you need meat for protein – or is it too fatty? Are eggs okay – or do they have too much cholesterol?


It's enough to make you want to throw your hands up and dive into the nearest bag of candy bars. But don't – or at least, read this first. There are lots of ways to ensure that you and your baby are getting the nutrients you both need. Here, experts discuss some of their top pregnancy foods. You don't need to like or eat them all, but pick and choose your favorites to give your pregnancy a nutritional boost.


"It's amazing what you get in one egg, and for only about 90 calories," says Elizabeth Ward, dietitian and author of Expect the Best, Your Guide to Healthy Eating Before, During, and After Pregnancy.


In addition to more than 12 vitamins and minerals, eggs contain lots of quality protein, which is essential for pregnancy. "Your baby's cells are growing at an exponential rate, and every cell is made of protein," Ward explains. "Plus, as a pregnant woman, you have your own protein needs."


Eggs are also rich in choline, which promotes your baby's overall growth and brain health, while helping prevent neural tube defects. Some even contain omega-3 fats, important for both brain and vision development. (Brands that have omega-3 fats will probably state so on the label.)


As for eggs' bad rap for cholesterol? Not warranted, says Ward. It turns out that eating saturated fat does much more damage to your cholesterol level than eating the cholesterol naturally found in food. And while eggs are high in cholesterol, they're also relatively low in saturated fat, with about one and a half grams per egg.


"Healthy women with normal blood cholesterol can consume one to two eggs a day as part of a balanced diet low in saturated fat," Ward says.


Need more convincing? Eggs are cheap, easy, quick, and versatile. When you're too exhausted to cook a full meal, a couple of hard boiled or scrambled eggs are just the ticket.


Not only is salmon brimming with high-quality protein, says Ward, but it's an exceptionally good source of omega-3 fats. And unlike swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and shark, salmon has low amounts of methylmercury, a compound that can be harmful to your baby's developing nervous system.


Just remember that even for salmon and other low-mercury fish, such as canned light tuna and pollock, the FDA recommends eating no more than 12 ounces per week to avoid ingesting too much mercury. 


Navy beans, lentils, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas…..there are so many to choose from. "Beans contain the most fiber and protein of all the vegetables," says Ward.


You already know protein is important during pregnancy, but you may not yet realize that fiber could become your new best friend during the nine-month wait. In pregnancy, the gastrointestinal tract slows down, putting you at risk for constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber can help prevent and relieve these problems.  


In addition, says Ward, food that contains fiber tends to be nutrient-rich. This is certainly true of beans, which are good sources of iron, folate, calcium, and zinc.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes get their orange color from carotenoids, plant pigments that are converted to vitamin A in our bodies, says Ward.


Although consuming too much "preformed" vitamin A (found in animal sources, such as liver, milk, and eggs) can be dangerous, carotenoids are a different story. They're converted to vitamin A only as needed, so there's no need to restrict your consumption of vitamin A-rich fruits and veggies.


 Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber. And like beans, they're inexpensive and versatile. "Cook extra and save them to slice up later as a snack," Ward suggests.

Popcorn and other whole grains

Yes, you read that right. Popcorn is a whole grain. "People love it when I tell them that!" says Ward. Whole grains are important in pregnancy because they're high in fiber and nutrients, including vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients – plant compounds that protect cells.


Don't stop at popcorn though. There are lots of other whole grains out there, from oatmeal to whole grain bread to barley. Fluffy, nutty-tasting quinoa is one of Ward's favorites. "Whole grain quinoa is easy to make and is very high in nutrients, particularly protein, making it a superfood in and of itself," she says.


Don't like fish or eggs, but still want to get those omega-3s which are so important for your baby's brain growth? Try walnuts, suggests dietitian Kate Geagan, author of Go Green, Stay Lean. "Walnuts are one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s," she says. "A handful of walnuts is a great choice for an on-the-run snack or an addition to a salad."

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt typically has twice the protein of regular yogurt, making it one of Geagan's favorite pregnancy foods. And any kind of yogurt is a great source of calcium, which is vital in a pregnancy diet. If you don't take in enough calcium, the limited amount you have will go to your baby, says Geagan, depleting the calcium in your bones and teeth.


"The goal during pregnancy is to make sure you provide everything your baby needs without sacrificing your own health and nutrition," she explains. "Calcium will help keep your own bones intact while laying down a healthy skeleton for your baby."

Dark green, leafy vegetables

Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and other green leafy vegetables are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as the all-important folate. They've also been found to promote eye health, Geagan says.

Lean meats

Meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, says dietitian Karin Hosenfeld of North Dallas Nutrition. "Look for lean meats with the fat trimmed off," she says. "When buying red meat in particular, look for cuts that are around 95 to 98 percent fat-free." Beef and pork stand out among meats because in addition to protein, they contain choline, says Ward.


Don't eat deli meats or hot dogs, though, unless they're heating until steaming hot. There's a small risk of passing on bacteria and parasites from the meat such as Listeria monocytogenes toxoplasma, or salmonella to your baby, says Mayo Clinic obstetrician Mary Marnach.

Colorful fruits and veggies

Eating a variety of green, red, orange, yellow, purple, and white fruits and vegetables will ensure that you and your baby get a variety of nutrients. "Each color group provides different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants," explains dietitian Jodi Greebel, owner of Citrition, a nutrition counseling service in New York.


Hosenfeld points out another advantage of eating across the fruit and veggie spectrum: "During the later stages of pregnancy, the baby is 'tasting' the foods you eat through the amniotic fluid," she says. "So if you expose your baby to a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables in the womb, you'll increase the chance that your baby will recognize and accept those flavors later on."


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Morning Sickness

 Kenapa harus dinamain morning sickness … padahal kejadiannya bisa berlangsung sepanjang hari alias whole day sickness.


Kata Nenek Wiki:


Morning sickness, also called nausea gravidarum, nausea, vomiting of pregnancy (emesis gravidarum or NVP), or pregnancy sickness is a condition that affects more than half of all pregnant women. Related to increased estrogen levels, a similar form of nauseousness is also seen in some women who use hormonal contraception or hormone replacement therapy.

Usually, it is present in the early hours of the morning and reduces as the day progresses. The nausea can be mild or induce actual vomiting, however, not severe enough to cause metabolic derangement. In more severe cases, vomiting may cause dehydration, weight loss, alkalosis and hypokalemia. This condition is known as hyperemesis gravidarum and occurs in about 1% of all pregnancies. Nausea and vomiting can be one of the first signs of pregnancy and usually begins around the 6th week of pregnancy (week 6 starting on the day the last period started). It can occur at any time of the day, and for most women it seems to stop around the 12th week of pregnancy.


So.. what do you called for nausea which happens whole day long ???



Jarang jerawatan... Now jerawatan plus biang keringat.. Toloooooooonnggg... Please ...please...please... Over hormone made me like this.... Arghhhh...

Hanya bisa pasrah dengan kejelekan ini... Huhuhuhu....


It's been six years, that's why I might forgot how.

It's like my first time.

The only things I hate is this 'morning sick' which happened whole day :-(

Can't wait to pass through this semester....

My wish is coming true

Alhamdulillah, this 2010 journey has been almost third quarter to go through, but my dreams and target for this year have been accomplished beyond my expectation.

Never planned to have a holy journey, but then got offered one, never dreamed visit HK this quickly, but then I spent there once. Passing the entrance test ??

...Ya Allah ... A lot a lot a lot that I can not deliberate here...all are unplanned...including this pregnancy? Hehehe... H**l no...

This is actually being planned and wished for... Though when it come to reality, somehow cause me the sudden immovable .... Hehehe... Teuteup aja rada gak siap ternyata... Been to long in the comfort zone ...