Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tips #020 - 101 ngembik anyone?

Direkomendasikan oleh temen angkatan di FHUI 92, sate kambing Casmadi memang mantabbbbb bangeuuuddd.... Kambing muda gak bau berengus. Empuk. Enak. Maknyusss dalam arti sebenarnya ....

Letaknya di cyber building belakang menara mulia gatsu...

Harganya? Muraaahhh bahkan dibanding ama yang udah jadi pemain lama moreover yang di mall mah... Lewattt in term of price and taste.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tips #018 - 101 komersialisasi or handy ?

Umroh atau haji saat ini gak usah bingung cari oleh-oleh, peluang usaha dibidik oleh para pengusaha, jadilah wrapping lengkap seperti ini, gak usah blasak blusuk ke tanah abang lagi hihihi....

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tips #017 - 101 stress reliever

Secangkir teh for starting the day or to refresh yourself ... Alhamdulillah, dan nikmat mana yang kau dustakan?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tips #015 - 101 Obat Sariawan

Kami menyebutnya "Inggrak" tapi di kemasannya ada tulisan "cheng sie lung hau fung san" harganya cuman 2rb tapi lumayan ampuh melawan sariawan.

Anak kecil yang turun naik suhu tubuhnya dan gak gitu mempan dengan obat-obat yang mengandung parasetamol, mending dikasih jamu yang satu ini... Insya Allah.... *udah kayak tukang obat yaaaa...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tips #014 - 101 Feeling mellow ? Watch One Day !

Feeling mellow ?
Watch Korean Movies or this One Day

This movie is so very romantic thus, tragic. More saddest than "Notebook" .. Can't cry hard enough huhuhu...

I'm not really a big fan of Anne Hathaway, sooo not big fan... Even I watch "Devil wears Prada" just now, maybe I got dissapointed by her debut in "Rachel getting married" or even "Princess Diaries", though I love her when playing in "Passangers" well not her actually but the movie plot (...just realize that I like her not, but watch her a lot).

But I have to admit ... She acts briliantly in this movie.... Wow! Wow! Wow!

Must see movie....that's why I put this as one of all tips...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tips #013-101 Cemal cemil on Local Choco

Cemal cemil yang enak apaa???
Coba-coba make a list:

1. Gorengan
2. Eskrim
3. Chocolate
4. Buah
5. Indomie (haa???)

Ok this time, let's pick my very fist fond... CHOCOLATE.

And...this is a local chocolate yang punya rasa gak maluw-maluw-in.
Dark choco-nya enak... Mau dibentuk apapun depannya... Tolak miskin, sesuwatu banged atau anti galau..
Nak nak enak..

Next time... International brand yaaaaa

Tips #012-101 good news or bad news

Termasuk tips bukan ya ini?

Actually this is a picture of n envelope, I zoom it since the delivery address is sooooo interesting.

For you who can read "Arab gundul" that envelope is directed to me, with my first name and followed by my husband' full name hehehe...

I don't have to elaborate the use of an envelope, do I?... Hehehe... It goes without saying-lah...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tips #011-101 keyboard

What will you do, if you try to put all of ideas into your pc without keyboard ?

No no no
It's not even a touch screen...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tips #010-101 comro dkk

Pengganjal lapar di kala suka dan duka...hahaha...

Mau isi manis (misro) atau asin pedes (comro) atau yang berontak (Tahu isi)...feel free...

Paling pas buat nemenin teh hangat manis di sore hari....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tips #009-101 Bank Berjalan

Belum masukin tips hari ini yaaa ???? Ok next tip is "token" key.

Must have and must bring, no need to queue for every non-cash transaction in the bank. Just need a laptop or ipad or even mobile phone, and insert the key shown, bam !!! You suddenly have your own transfer machine....

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tips #008-101 knowing the time

Ever since mobile cellular attacked every human in any ages, professions, genders, this thing was almost forgotten.

But now, just like a radio which can't be replaced by television...watches are still in. It's now also a fashion...just twirl your hand... And you'll find the time..

For me, a Watch is perfecto, when there is a "date" sign...

Tips #007-101 Shuffle the traffic jam

Puter track 3 dan 4 aja Khusus untuk ngebunuh kekesalan pas ngejam di tengah traffic Jakarta.

Atau....buat ngabisin kalori, minta ajarin anak kita buat me-nya-ffle....gitu dehhh

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tips #006 - 101 Teh Poci very Jawa

Evening tea
Evening tea with rains
Evening tea in our sideyard (not a backyard)
Evening tea in any Javanese resto

D O N ' T

Sensational along with the jasmine smell in each sip...
(Gileee...kayak iklan aja yaaa)

Tips #005 - 101 Dunkin Donut? Yeah why not ?

Along with expansion of new brands, new lifestyles, new cafes, still... There somethin' about this brand...

Tips #004 - 101 music ... Can't live without 'em

Well what can I say
These things can accompany you
Anytime and anywhere ...

Tips #003 - 101 block or electronic note

Yahhh... Choose between the two.
Which one you prefer most
Coz I love them both.

Tips #002 - 101 MPB bukan MPV

Backpack is a Multi Purpose Bag.
It's a must have item.
No complaint about it and don't think that I have to input a very loong comment...

Tips #001-101

Bukannya sok alim
Bukannya sok nyuruh shalat
Shalat juga belum bener
But as a moeslem, praying is a must
So the very first tip is

The veil must be very light
As if you don't bring it
Parachute material is highly recommended.

Sajadah for you face only, in case you have to pray in an emergency musholla you now.... a very limited space in parking lot which sometimes furnished with women veil or sajadah lepek (hihihi... What is lepek in English?) ...that often smell soooooo baddd....

101 Tips on anything

Got inspired by one blog, why don't I try to post a photo along with any tips on anything.

Just another reason to push you to write and.... In english...and as a practice to write a scientific and long writings .... Huh teu nyambung pisan ...pokona mah ambeh nulis deui-lah...

(Terpaksa) me time

Hari sabtu is hari ini
Biasanya sih hari keluarga
Kecuali kalo ada yang kangen ber-down hill di RA
Tapi hari ini terpaksa me-me time kan diri.
Sebenernya kesel banget sama yang hari ini punya acara gak selese selese itu *Beneran lulusan manokwari ternyata, nyindir nih ngerasa gak sehhhh...
Me time-nya bukan nyalon pula, dan gak juga full day, secara si abang udah punya agenda bimbel, Al kabur entah kemana (tau sih kaburnya kemana cuman biar hiperbol aja), Farrih lagi diasuh si mbake... So...kabur dulu deh ke Gramed nyari-nyari bahan buat tesis..

Penyimpangan yang dibeli hari ini cukup lumayan "rasional"...
3 buku tentang syariah
1 buku ttg MPH
1 Natgeo edisi travel
1 novel traveller journal
1 novel life travellers
OMG...kapan mo nulisnyaaa...bacaan semwaaa...

Penyimpangan tentang travel semua... Beneran dari lubuk hati yang terdalam yaaaaaa.... Hihihi... Secara ALLAH kasih voor sebelum hamil Farrih kemana aja yang tak terencanakan sama sekali dalam waktu berdekatan dan terus2an... East Java n madura tour, HK, lombok..bahkan umroh ...masya Allah..nikmatMU ya ALLAH...
Makanya pas si ucrit keluar...memang harus sabar-sabar sampe dia gede dikit yeee..

Well anyway... After buying some other deviation...2 more pen + donuts + coffee... Let's go home...my kids need to see me immediately kayaknya... Heheh...

*kecerewetan dalam diam di antara para pengunjung berkeluarga :-( di Dunkin Donuts - Gramedia Matraman..