this journal contains notes of joy, sorrow, happiness, sadness ... whether it's a fact, opinion, wishes, hope or just imagination. this is about everything ...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
an Effective Meeting
so if you think that you havent expereinced it, let me remind you how boring were the meeting when you find:
- one man show, only one man talking all the time, dominating the conversation and really do not mind of others may think, as long as he can talk talk and talk (uggh God, what can I do to stop him talking)
- look arround you, you may get somebody yawning, or maybe in polite way, starting to texting, or e-mailing (via PDA's or BB's or else), or perhaps make any (undefined notes) to their notes.
- the discussion may only take 5 minutes in writting but some make it to 50 minutes or unluckily spending 2 hours talking all the same things...
how to make an effective meeting?
if you are the Meeting arranger
make sure you prepare a short notes, what's needed to be explained, to be asked, to be requested and directed feed back. make sure you nake time sheet, even better if you only arrange meeting when it is really needed...
if you are the Meeting participants
be thankful if you attend an interesting, live and cozy Meeting
if not, try to make it live,
and if you fail, and could not stand to stay any longer, either you go to the restroom get back to the room half hour later or ask one of your friend to call you, and then you resign from the Meeting by informing others that you have to attend another urgent meeting.
if you cant go.. good luck then..
(been written as dedication for one h..l meeting held by this week ...ampyuuunnnnn)
Sacrifice vs Ibadah
capek kalo dipikir nggak ada hasilnya juga
paling gampang kalo dihitung sebagai ibadah
tapi khan gak harus semuanya jadi ibadah ?
jadi berpikir, apa nggak sebaiknya sekarang mulai berhitung ...
capeknya ....
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cleaning the mess
Yup…that’s me !
Maybe it’s like my middle name (thank you) !!!
Luv it some time
But hate it every time
Though I know, that life will not be that beautiful
if there’s no such things, is it ?
imagine a blank of paper
no red ink no green ink
just black
imagine a drama
no intrigue
no conversation
event a pantomime
with its Black-White identity
has its own pattern
luv it actually
and addicted mostly
but this time, I’m kind of tired
I just want to go home
Meet my hubby n kidz
Chat more …
Hug more …
Go to sleep…
Jam 5 berapa lama lagi ya ….
Oh well it’s 1 hour 15 min left…
I take Ashr first
Type a little bit
Then ca cao !!!
system itu bernama " Sisminbakum "
Ini cerita lucu tentang suatu system bernama Sisminbakum.
Sistem ini maunya memberikan kepastian bagi para pelaku hukum.
Dengen biaya pasti dan waktu penyelesaian yang pasti…
Maka, berjalanlah segala proses yang semestinya berjalan
Tanpa lagi campur tangan manusia
Karena system telah berjalan semestinya…
Tapi apa lacur?
Ternyata biaya sebesar ±Rp.1,5 (selain dianggap mahal)
juga didistribusikan sbb:
90% kepada PT SRD (kayaknya pengelola Sisminbakum)
10% kepada Koperasi Departemen
(10% ini… yang benar-benar masuk ke Koperasi 40%, sisanya dibagi-bagi)
Hebat ….
Menariknya para Notaris jadi bertanya-tanya,
Apakah mereka termasuk ke dalam
Bila ya, maka … gurau salah seorang Notary…
Bisa masuk MURI tuch…
rekor Turut Pelaku Korupsi Terbanyak…
well… guys… hanya di
Friday, October 24, 2008
Change plan: watching Body of Lies
Perut Korset vs Perut Karet dan Sisminbakum pun Macet
well anyway, 2 hari lalu salah seorang co-worker nunjukkin potongan voucher Itasuki akhirnya sepakat untuk having lunch disana hari Kamis (padahal voucher-nya 'cuman' 45rb nggak berbanding dengan peserta yang niatan makan disana).
pada hari yang telah ditentukan, pergilah kita semua ke Sen-Cy...peserta makan 9 orang (udah termasuk d'big boss yang ngedadag pengen ikutan...)
lucunya waktu disana, rombongan terbelah 2, kanan 4 kiri 4 dan di tengah duduklah aku yang lebih cenderung ke kiri dibanding ke kanan...
group kanan adalah group diet, yang lebih mentingin ngobrol dibanding makan, sementara group kiri pada panik makan karena lapar berat sooo ngobrol nyaris lupa, kecuali
"tolong dong tahunya Bok !"
"Ech Enoki-nya ya!"
"aku mau kuah ayam aja ach"
"mantau-nya dong!"
sementara di group kanan, obrolan udah serupa dengan gossip yang panjang lebar kali tinggi...
yang ada group kiri cekikikan dan menerjemahkan diri mereka sebagai group karet sementara group lawan sebagai group korset kekekeke.....
ironically, di sisa akhir pejuangan, seluruh isi dari wajan steamboat di group kanan termasuk 2 jenis dim sum dan roti mantau goreng dipindah ke group kiri dengan order yang cukup jelas: "habiskan!" atau engkau mati hehehe....
hasilnya ... aku memutuskan untuk pulang sendiri dan lebih dulu dibanding yang masih pada mau stay karena perut tiba-tiba nature calls gitu, eneg dan sakit perut.....SCORE !!!