Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Silly...Silly...Silly Me

 This sequences happened in Monday to  Sunday. 15-16 April 2007.

It was 5 pm, the committee meeting for my Bro’s Wedding has just been completed. My 70’s grandpa deliver 40 mil money to my Mom, that is promptly handed over to me. I refused to count, instead  I choose to count and save it to the Bank tomorrow morning.

That Monday Morning, my grandpa were going home at 7 am from Cibubur [he actually planned to go at 7 pm night before but the travel did not arrived so he decided to come home next morning] meanwhile I –in my own home- save the money to the Bank at 8 am just before going to my office (seperti biasa telat …yukkk~)

Aa reminded me that all deposited amount were not reached to 40 mil but only 22 mil. I keep insisted that the amount is 40 mil and I asked the Bank’s teller to count it first, but what can I say it’s actually only 22 mil. So my husband and me rushed home and found out that I didn’t leave remaining money. I called my mother and tell her that I only receive: 1 – 100 thousands + 2 – 50 thousands + 2 – 10 thousands. She was shocked and She realized that she were at a glance seeing the 10 thousands (that should not be existed, of course… but it didn’t come out).

So we decided to go to Cibubur and show all the money to my Mom and we were all being confused of whether my grandpa got tricked by “a black magic”, or he miscalculated between 10-s and 100-s. then my Pa, Ma, Aa, Alfin & me decided to go to Ciamis to solve this problem. We try not to panic, went there after having Zhuhur pray and have a little coffee time in Starbuck Cikampek.

My grandpa actually arrived at 4 pm, we ourselves arrived at 6 pm.

After explaining what we up to, my grandpa shaking his head, grinning, shaking his head, and laughing and….silly….silly… found out that my grandpa could not differentiate between 10-s and 100-s…. alhamdulillah… tadinya takut banget kalo dia kena black magic… apalagi ini urusan property… he just keep demand us not to spread out his silliness.... karena matanya, padahal guwe baru muji kelebihannya membaca font 8 tanpa kesulitan….wah leganya… setelah makan dengan rakusnya, kita semua pergi balik ke Jakarta jam 9… malam

Traffic ternyata lebih ramai disbanding kita berangkat tadi… so kita baru sampe sekitar jam 2.30 di rumah….. terpaksa minta cuti tambahan. Ngantuk berat bokkk…

BTW , udah wanti-wanti sama si mbak kalo kepergian kita ke Ciamis nggak boleh dibilangin sama Daffa, tapi dia tetep aja marah karena maminya sampe menjelang tidur belum juga datang.





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