Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yang Muda Yang Berkarya

(idich judulnya enggak banget...tapi itu yang paling reflect kok) ...

thanks to FB, with its jargon connect and share with people, well I found a lot of old friends especially from hogh school, kind of surprise to hear their news again ... lets say from nothing to something ... just imagine .. back then we dont even know what we gonna be,how can you predict anyone else...

some of my friends are employees with any fields, certain journalists/writers, parts are army/navy/air force/police officers, and some are politician. well time is about to change... it is now our time to change (borrowing Obamas' jargon). the Young must take control.

I'd like to emphasize those who works as the young so idealist and the important things are they do something for the country... I really have a big hope for them, at least to change the current community's view to the (old regime) arm forces.

I was born from an Arm forces family... my granpa, my father, my uncle, even my cousins are soldiers, ... and had a little bit pesimistic view when having discussion with them... everything based on power and strength... physically I mean, and not from your own head.... they had been in a situation - what we called in Sundanesse - "kurung batok" mind. I had tough discussion time with my father when He's still on duty, but when he was resigned, He has more open mind ....

so.... this arm triangle... got to be stopped, maybe that's why I married a civilian with a very contrary background ....

well anyway, I'm in agreement that this Country must be rulled by Young People... and you the old ones... lets give the young a chance to lead this country.

pssttttt....putting aside of my above rumbles, I've heard from my friend that we're gonna have, I mean ... we have bought a battleship, a brand new one .... (as he's been training to manage the ship)... so relieve to hear that.... we are indeed got to have one to preserve and protect this archipelago...rite? ... wish have a time to vissit the ship along with d kids ... once it is arrived in Tanjung Priok...insya Allah

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