Monday, August 20, 2007

17-23 agt 2007: Trip to makassar, pare-pare, dan Toraja

Once mbak Shierly (temen makan) informs me that BI offers an interesting training with a really cheap but highly values, costed only 1 mio for staying 4d 3n in a brand new hotel called Clarion. So my office has only to add the transportation.

I picked Makassar than Padang. I've been both there.But Makassar interests me more for its seafood and scenery. And I incidentally think to visit Toraja, a uniquely specific interest destination.

My iseng ideas disambut Mbak Pauline (MP), my office legal counsel. We offer this to other 5 boys, as they don't want to go there for one or many reason. Tapi berhubung qta keen, so..jadilah kita memutuskan pergi kesana berdua aja...2 cewek jagoan...GIRL POWER ! Kalo bertiga jadilah POWER PUFF GIRL

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